Practical and efficient
The practice-oriented training with project work in your own company guarantees fast implementation of efficiency measures and good preparation for the introduction of energy management.
EnergieManager (IHK)
EUREM is a standardized training of further education, that enhances the skills of technical experts in the field of energy efficiency improvement.
European EnergyManager training
EnergyManager (CCI) provide and ensure more energy efficiency and saving within the company and take care of a functioning energy management system.
As energy costs continue to rise and directly impact the product price, increasing the energy efficiency and saving energy certainly determines the companies profits and losses. The current developments in the energy sector such as the introduction of emissions trade and the liberalization of markets aggravate the situation.
The target group for the EnergyManager Training are technical experts and companies’ executives as well as energy service provider. The training is usually held extra-occupational and consists of face-to-face training (160 units) and a final project work (80 units).
Would you like to participate in the EUREM Training? Find an overview of training providers in Europe and worldwide.
Average saving potentials per EUREM project work
(Results EUREM.NET EU Project)