9th International Conference for European EnergyManagers
6th / 7th November 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
10th International Conference on 27th | 28th May 2020, Athens, Greece
Tuesday, 6th November 2018
12:00 | Registration with welcome Snack |
13:10 | Opening Speech Bernard Bauer, CEO DTIHK and AHK Services s.r.o. |
13:20 | Opening Speech to EUREM Dr. Robert Schmidt, EUREM Speaker and Head of EUREM Steering Committee, c/o Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI Nuremberg) |
13:50 |
Parallel Workshops Block 1: A: Energy auditing / Energy management / ISO 50001 B: Energy efficiency in companies: Cooling / Air conditioning / Ventilation |
15:30 | Coffee break |
16:00 |
Parallel Workshops Block 2: C: Vehicle Fleet / Mobility Management D: Energy efficiency in companies: Compressed air systems |
19:00 | Conference Dinner |
Wednesday, 7th November 2018
09:30 |
Parallel Workshops Block 3: E: Industry 4.0 / Electrical Drives F: Energy efficiency in companies: Steam / Process Heat / Heat Recovery |
11:10 | Coffee break |
11:50 | How to increase energy efficiency in the Czech Republic Vladimír Sochor, Director, Energy Efficiency and Savings Department, Ministry of Industry a Trade |
12:00 | EUREM – quo vadis | new developments Dr. Robert Schmidt, CCI Nuremberg |
12:15 | EUREM AWARD ceremony guided by Stefan Schmidt, Managing Director of EUREM GmbH |
12:50 | Summary | Closing remarks Dr. Stephan Schwarzer, Deputy Speaker EUREM Provider Consortium |
13:00 | Lunch Buffet |
14:00 | End of EUREM Conference 2018 |

AHK Services s.r.o.
AHK | Deutsch-Tschechische Industrie- und Handelskammer
René Harun, Hana Potůčková
Václavské náměstí 40 | CZ-110 00 Praha 1
Tel. +420 221 490 311 | Fax +420 224 222 200
E-Mail: potuckova@dtihk.cz | www.dtihk.cz


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 785032
General information
On 1st of March 2018 the 4th EU funded project “EUREMnext – Taking European Energy Manager to next efficiency levels by implementing energy audit recommendations” was launched. The aim of this 36-months project is the expansion of the EnergyManager Training to another six European countries. The training offers through practical projects the implementation of efficiency measures and a perfect preparation for the introduction of the energy management system ISO 50001.
Already for the third time the Czech Republic was given the opportunity to host the international conference EUREM focused on the preparation and implementation of energy-saving projects in companies and organizations. In November 2018, Prague will host the ninth edition of the conference. As the highlight of the conference, the prestigious EUREM Award 2018 will be awarded for the best energy-saving projects implemented within the 27 countries part of the EUREM courses.
The aim of the conference is to inform enterprises about the latest findings in the implementation of corporate energy-saving projects. The main emphasis will be placed on presenting examples taken directly from concrete projects. Thus, in November 2018 in Prague, participants will have the unique opportunity to meet with foreign experts who have long experience in the field of energy efficiency.
Within six thematic workshops taking place over two days, the latest findings in the field and interesting examples will be introduced. Additionally, more than 20 specific, already implemented projects will be presented to the participants. The six thematically intertwined workshops will enable the participants not only to deal with specific questions, but at the same time gain an overview from an energy auditor’s perspective.