1. Energy technical basics
- scientific Basics
- structure of energy systems and typical optimization strategies
- Measurement and Control (MCR)

2. Project management
- development of a project concept
- presentation of the project concept
- project controlling

3. Economic calculation
- calculation of the application-specific costs
- comparative economic Evaluation
- calculation of payback periods

4. Energy management | load management
- establishing an energy management system (for example, ISO 50001)
- basics of internal energy audits
- tasks of energy data management
- structure of an energy data management system
- acquisition and structuring of consumption data and costs
- consumption and cost evaluations
- comparison of indicators
- process management Systems
- reduce load peaks
- software-based energy controlling

5. Energy and emissions trading
- energy-related laws and regulations
- energy purchasing, energy trading
- emissions trading
- contracting

6. Building energy requirements | energy efficient buildings
- construction physical basics
- construct | acquisition of the building envelope
- building energy certification
- energy-conscious building and renovation

7. Heating technology
- system components
- targetperformance analysis
- optimization (furnace and boiler, distribution, control, power consumption)
- geothermal energy

8. Process heat, steam, heat recovery
- system analysis (components, functions, temperature levels, process chains)
- process optimization
- operating mode
- heat recovery

9. Cogeneration of heat and power
- basic concepts and variants of CHP
- investments (turbine types, engine types, fuel cells)
- peripheral systems
- sizing of CHP plants (technical interpretation, profitability)
- cogeneration unit (CHP)

10. Ventilation and air conditioning
- basic physical laws
- system components
- analysis (flow, temperature difference, energy consumption)
- optimization (user behavior, Operation)
- Invest-measures (refrigerating machine, absorption , adsorption, spring water cooling, adiabatic cooling, distribution, utilization of waste heat)

11. Refrigeration technology
- basic elements and functions of refrigeration Systems
- analysis (COP calculation, losses, efficiency of the process)
- optimization (user behavior, minimizing cooling requirements, process optimization, restructuring cooling network, scheme, waste heat utilization, absorption refrigerating machine)

12. Electrical engineering, electrical drives
- basic knowledge electrical applications
- transformer losses and motor losses
- electronic speed regulation
- selection of efficient electric motors
- system optimization

13. Lighting
- photometric basic parameters, lighting systems
- dimensioning of lighting systems
- operating time optimization
- highly efficient lighting systems

14. Compressed air
- compressors, distribution, compressed air consumers, plant control
- analysis (power consumption, distribution losses, leakage, efficiency)
- optimization (pressure level, control, leakage, maintenance, heat recovery, variable speed controlled compressor)

15. Solar technology
- components and operating principle of solar thermal systems
- applications of solar thermal plants (water, heating, hall heating, drying, solar cooling)
- components and functional principle of photovoltaic (PV) systems
- applications of PV systems (no external power supply, façade integration, shading elements)

16. Energy from biomass
- wood-fired plants (plant components and function, system dimensioning)
- biogas plants (plant components and function, system dimensioning)

17. Green IT
- data centers and server systems
- data center cooling
- virtualization and consolidation
- energy Efficiency at the office
- change of user behavior